Access phpMyAdmin without cPanel login

We always access the cPanel first to go to our phpMyAdmin control panel, but for a website developer, it will be more complex and time-wasting to access the phpMyAdmin all the time via cPanel. Also if we need to give only the phpMyAdmin access to the web developer, we can use the following steps to achieve the same.

Steps :
1. Please take the website in the browser
2. Now please Download the file named phpMyAdmin-3.4.1-all-languages.tar.gz

3. Next Take cPanel and move to >> File Manager

4. Via the file manager Upload the phpMyAdmin-3.4.1-all-languages.tar.gz file

5. Extract the file there (it will extract into a folder named phpMyAdmin-3.4.1-all-languages)

6. Next is to rename the folder to a name you want (like phpmyadmin)

7. Again in the cPanel of the account, go to the MySQL Databases option/tool.

8. Create a user for your developer

9. Add the user to whichever databases you want the developers to have access to.

10. If you have completed the above steps successfully, the user can now log in via the URL using the database username given to them.

11. Now they can work on the databases using phpmyadmin without cpanel access.

That’s all !!

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