Essential cPanel Log File Locations

cPanel, a widely used web hosting control panel, plays a crucial role in managing various aspects of your hosting environment. Understanding the locations of cPanel log files is essential for troubleshooting, monitoring, and maintaining server health.

1. Apache Log Files:

Apache log files are records of events that occur on a server running the Apache web server software. These logs provide valuable information for system administrators, developers, and website owners to analyze and troubleshoot issues.


Access logs record all requests made to the server, including the requesting IP address, date, time, requested file, HTTP status code, and user agent.


Error logs contain information about server errors, such as syntax errors in configuration files, permission issues, or problems with scripts.


2. cPanel Log Files:

cPanel Access Log:


 cPanel Error Log:


This log file provides information about cPanel-related errors and activities, assisting in the troubleshooting of cPanel issues.

3. FTP Log Files:


FTP transactions, including login attempts and file transfers, are logged in the system messages log file.

4. SSH Log Files:


SSH-related activities, such as login attempts and system authentication, are recorded in this log file.

5. ModSecurity Log Files:


ModSecurity log file contains information about web application firewall (WAF) activities, aiding in the detection of malicious activity

6. Cron Log Files:


The cron log file maintains a record of scheduled cron jobs and their executions.

7. AutoSSL Log Files:


AutoSSL log file contains information about SSL certificate issuance and renewal processes.

8 Backup Log Files:


cPanel backup log files store information regarding the status and details of the backup process.

9. PHP-FPM Log Files:


PHP-FPM error log file provides details about PHP-FPM errors and issues.

10. Email Log Files:


Exim mail server log file contains information about email transactions, delivery attempts, and errors.

11. MySQL Log Files:


 MySQL error log file records errors and issues related to the MySQL database server.

This articles  provides an overview of the common cPanel log file locations and their respective purposes, aiding administrators in troubleshooting various aspects of a cPanel-based server.

One of the notable advantages of cPanel-based servers lies in the consistent organization of key files across different cPanel versions. With this consistency, users can confidently navigate the server environment, always knowing where to find essential log files for all services running on their cPanel server.

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