Disk Usage – DU command

DU is the short form of Disk Usage.

The Linux du command is used to find out the disk usage in terms of file size and in human readable format. It can be used to get the size of the folders and the total usage. The usage of the command DU is very easy and some of them are explained below.

Pasted below are some usages of DU command.

1. Basic usage of du

# du 
4       ./myfile
4       ./user/checkfile
4       ./john
12      ./sam
24      .

The command du -a is used to get the disk usage of all the files and directories.

# du -a
4       ./myfile
4       ./user/checkfile
4       ./john
12      ./sam
24      .

2. Display output in human-readable format

The command du -h is used to print the information in a human-readable format.

# du -ah
4.0K       ./myfile
4.0K       ./user/checkfile
4.0K       ./john
12.0K      ./sam
24K        .

3. Display grand total of the space usage in the output.

The command du -c is used to get the grand total of its usage.

# du -ach
4.0K       ./myfile
4.0K       ./user/checkfile
4.0K       ./john
12.0K      ./sam
24K        .
24K     total

4. Display only the total count of the disk usage

To get the total amount of disk usage, the is command du -s

# du -sh
24K     .

5. Customize the block

The output can be produced in such a way that the disk usage of the files and the directories are displayed on the basis of the block size. In the default setting, it displays the block size as KB(1024 Bytes). It can be changed to a different block size depending on the need.

# du -ach
4.0K       ./myfile
4.0K       ./user/checkfile
4.0K       ./john
12.0K      ./sam
24K        .
24K     total

When changing the block size to 2048(2KB), the output will be the following.

# du -ahc --block-size=2048
2       ./example
2       ./test1
2       ./redhat/demo
2       ./redhat/test
6       ./redhat
12      .
12      total

6. Display output in bytes

To display the output in bytes the command is du -b

# du -b
4096    ./myfile000
4096    ./admin/check
4096    ./one/two
12288   ./final
20529   .

7. Exclude particular types of file(s)

In order to not display the information about a particular type of file or files in the output the command du –exclude come into use

# ll
total 16
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root   49 Sep  4 15:40 work
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root   32 Sep  4 16:15 seeyou
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root    0 Sep  4 16:19 work.doc
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root    0 Sep  4 16:19 work1.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root    0 Sep  4 16:19 seeyou.doc
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root    0 Sep  4 16:19 work2.txt

When using the du -exclude command the output will be as follows

# du -ah --exclude="*.txt"
4.0K    ./user2
4.0K    ./normalfile
0       ./check.doc
0       ./resume.doc
0       ./cv.doc
0       ./ace.doc
4.0K    ./blue
4.0K    ./office
4.0K    ./office/desk
12K     ./yellow
0       ./orange
28K     .

8. Display the modification time and customize the display style

The commands du -time and du -time-style are the ones for the above.

# du -cbha --time
49      2013-09-04 15:40        ./car
4.0K    2013-09-04 15:39        ./buy
4.0K       2013-09-04 16:19        ./ticket.txt
8K     2013-09-04 16:26        total
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