Commonly Used Port Numbers

The following port numbers are unofficial list of commonly used for linux/unix based servers.

Port Number Protocol Function
21 TCP FTP (File Transfer Protocol)
22 TCP/UDP SSH (ssh,scp copy or sftp)
23 TCP/UDP Telnet
25 TCP/UDP SMTP (for sending outgoing emails)
43 TCP WHOIS function
53 TCP/UDP DNS Server (Domain name service for DNS requests)
67 UDP DHCP Server
68 TCP DHCP Client
70 TCP Gopher Protocol
79 TCP Finger protocol
110 TCP POP3 (for receiving email)
119 TCP NNTP (Network News Transfer Protocol)
143 TCP/UDP IMAP4 Protocol (for email service)
389 TCP/UDP LDAP (light weight directory access)
443 TCP Secure HTTP over SSL (https)
465 TCP Secure SMTP (email) using SSL
990 TCP/UDP Secure FTP using SSL
993 TCP Secure IMAP protocol over SSL (for emails)
1433 TCP/UDP Microsoft SQL server port
2082 TCP Cpanel default port
2083 TCP Cpanel over SSL
2086 TCP Cpanel Webhost Manager (default)
2087 TCP Cpanel Webhost Manager (with https)
2095 TCP Cpanel Webmail
2096 TCP Cpanel secure webmail over SSL
2222 TCP DirectAdmin Server Control Panel
3306 TCP/UDP MySQL Database Server
4643 TCP Virtuosso Power Panel
5432 TCP PostgreSQL Database Server
8080 TCP HTTP port (alternative one for port 80)
8087 TCP Plesk Control Panel Port (default)
8443 TCP Plesk Server Control Panel over SSL
9999 TCP Urchin Web Analytics
10000 TCP Webmin Server Control Panel
19638 TCP Ensim Server Control Panel

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