How to cancel my account and how to reactivate it?

You can cancel account at any time, for any reason or for no reason. All you need to do is, submit a cancellation request in client zone.
1. Login to the Client Zone.

2. Goto Manage Services >> My Services

3. Now find the service you wish to cancel and then click on view details

4. You can now find the Cancellation button at the bottom of the page.
All cancellation requests will be reviewed manually by our billing and account departments. We do not use auto cancellation for preventing any system errors. You will be contacted by our billing department to confirm about cancellation. Please note that Veeble’s cancellation policy requires a five (5) days cancellation notice prior to the billing date. Failure to supply the requisite five (5) days will result in a full billable monthly cycle prior to cancellation. (Please see our Terms of Service in Cancellation of Services section to further details)

All client’s files and its database will be deleted after 5 days of cancellation. Clients can reactivate their account in this 5 days period without any charge.

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